How My Money Works-Rich E Richest

How My Money Works For Me
(Rich E Richest)

How My Money Works For Me.
How ‘Does’ My Money Work For Me?

Take This To The Higher ‘Them’ Perspective.

Two Basic Rules of Engagement:
1. The Channel of Delivery From Non-Physical
to Physical; From Invisible to Visible; From
Substance to Form, is Enjoyment.
2. The Money is ‘Them’ and Comes from Them.…How Does My Money Which is ‘Them’
work for me?

1. It shows up-has shown up at the right time,
even when my life was out of balance and fear
and limitation was rampant. Money was ‘there’.

2. Money has helped me balance my life, both in
moving up the expansion spiral as well as the
quality of my life and lifestyle.

(Question:) Why has it been money as the
subject, as the tool, as the energy?

(Answer:) Because Money as an energy form
has represented, wealth, riches, abundance,
prosperity and all opposites of that through the

Money has been the form to open up the
Primary Channel of Enjoyment (from relief to
enjoyment) of which Grace, Heaven on Earth,
Where All Things Are Good and Delightful, is
being delivered.

And That is how Money Works for Me, and
With Me, and Everyone Else.

It worked when I had no understanding, it has
worked even better and in delightful, wonderful
ways as I’ve been fascinated in choosing to
consciously understand MORE!

For the question that will arise, who is THEM?
It’s The Money Givers and There is a simple
way for us to change our perspective so that way
more money flows.

As the tag for Rich E Richest states, this is a
unique approach to money. It has worked for
and continues to work for Rich and Susan .

You don’t need to buy into it. However, for it to
work for you and me in ways that are pretty
darn great, we have to be open to new
understanding. And Rich will be writing more
on that at some other point in time.

Rich E Richest
a Unique Approach to Money